How to Make a Perfume with Essential Oils — *Intuitive Method*

how to make natural perfume with essential oils

I’ve been a natural perfumer for almost 4 years now and my favorite way to create a new perfume is through the intuitive method. This is a more advanced method since you need to have a grounding in the scents that you will be using to form your perfume. A perfume has 3 layers: top … Read more

Your Most Pressing Skin Needs, Vaginal Steaming, + Magical Hair

natural skin care

I have taken a hiatus from new posts and have been expanding my knowledge in areas around body care, youthing (anti-aging) techniques, Tantra, and more. I’ve been really busy with getting a bodywork practice going and it is going well. The last year, I have worked with over 300 clients! I have still been publishing … Read more

How to Get the Freshest Argan Oil for Skin + Hair Now

argan oil

Argan oil is some hot stuff. It’s loaded with vitamin E and fatty acids. It’s liquid gold peeps. Learn how you can get the freshest at the bottom of this post. The anti-oxidants in argan oil make it a super anti-aging (known as youthing around here) oil and also excellent for healing scarred or otherwise … Read more

Sexiest Body Oil + Herb Blends in the World

Sex. Body. Juiciness. Love. Oils are the trees’ nut juice. Seriously. The pressing of the oils nuts and seeds is what allows the oil to come out. They are fatty, plump, silky, and have and allow GLIDE. Think about that ~~ Glide…. Fingers gliding across the skin, massaging, rubbing, feeling real GOOD. So naturally oils … Read more

5 Ways to Boost Your Beauty without Spending More Time

You are so juicy, I just know it! And you probably don’t have lots of extra time, because we live in an insane world….or because you are judicious about how you use it! Vitality is this electric POWER that we all have, often it lies dormant and then we “sleep”. When it is boosted, quickened, … Read more

Best Natural Oils for Under $20

Skin care oils should be cold-pressed, organic, and fresh for maximum results. Using oils on my skin brings out my SPARK~~ wild, juicy, soft skin~~ so much so I love touching it. You can too with natural oils. And you certainly don’t have to spend $30 per ounce for a high quality oil! that is … Read more

Herbcraft: How to Make Rose Oil

Learning how to make rose oil using the simplers’ method is quick and effective. Before we get into it though, read the article on the best oils for your skin type to figure out the best carrier oil for your unique skin type or condition. To make your rose oil the most potent it can be, you should know which type is best for you. With that checked out, let’s begin!! If you have access to fresh rose petals, you are abundantly blessed! Allow themContinue Reading…

Tips to Beautifying Your Skin with Pomegranate Seed Oil

pomegranate seed oil

Pomegranate seed oil is used in natural cosmetics and skin care for its anti-aging, nutritive and nourishing properties. Native to Iran, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) has a rich history in the traditional medicines of Ayurveda and Unani. Here is a great place to purchase the freshest available. I like pomegranate seed oil for its anti-aging ability and its quick absorption into the skin. I find that it leaves a shiny gloss on the skin surface which is a nice side benefit. It feels somewhat heavy inContinue Reading…

What Are the Best Skin Care Oils for YOUR Skin Type?

This short 2-question quiz will guide you in the right direction about which skin oils are best for your skin type. Oils are individual and each has its own properties, including dryness/oiliness and warm/cool temperature. Knowing which ones are best for your skin will give you the best possible experience and results when using oils. For example, an oil that is warm and dry would be best suited for somebody with cool and oily skin, as it will bring that person’s skin closer to balance.Continue Reading…