The experience of true rose essential oil is one that cannot be imitated. Rose has a myriad of uses.
“Full of love she is Aphrodite’s servant” goes the quote by Achilles Tatios (139 BC) from Alexandria.
The Fragrance of Venus is captured in the essential oil. The aroma is described as being deep, soft, hypnotic, honey-spice and having a middle note. Rose essential oil is noted to be yin in character, making it effective for delicate souls in need of healing.
The best rose essential oils for purchase are here.
Rose acts through the heart chakra, uniting physical and spiritual love, easing depression and melancholy and providing balance for those with psychological problems.
She also helps us humans through life transitions and sacred times, relieves mood swings associated with pregnancy and supporting women during childbirth. As a companion for the dying, Rose helps to reduce fear and open the doors to wisdom.
It has been used in aromatherapy for emotional crisis, headache, low libido, nervous tension and stress. Rose acts as an aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antiseptic, sedative and so much more! This is really a plant to get to know through growing, stopping to smell, using in whole form, as an essential oil or using products that are made with pure rose ingredients.
As a beauty oil, rose essential oil is unsurpassed, helping and healing every skin type. She is astringent, has skin-toning properties, and is cooling and soothing for sensitive skin.
Specific skin care uses include healing broken capillaries, moistening dry skin, for eczema, to maintain elasticity for mature and sensitive complexions, soften scarring, balancing skin problems and for wrinkles.
Rose is adaptogenic in that it is useful for all skin types and especially for dry and inflamed skin or conditions.
I use the essential oil of Rosa rugosa from Mountain Rose Herbs which is steam distilled and from China. To make 1 pound of essential oil, 5000 pounds of rose petals are needed. They need to be collected before the sun rises to retain the highest amount of delicate essential oil. Rosewater is made in this steam distillation process as well and cleanses the skin without disturbing it’s protective shield.
An herbal rose-infused oil can be easily made at home though this is a very different product than the essential oil. I like to make the herbal infused rose oil and add some essential oil to it to double the magic!
My other personal favorite ways to work with rose are as a tea with milk and honey (drinking and using this as a mask- oh so soothing!) and as flower essences.
You can find the best rose petals and rose essential oils here.