Learning how to make rose oil using the simplers’ method is quick and effective.
Before we get into it though, read the article on the best oils for your skin type to figure out the best carrier oil for your unique skin type or condition.
To make your rose oil the most potent it can be, you should know which type is best for you.
With that checked out, let’s begin!!
If you have access to fresh rose petals, you are abundantly blessed! Allow them to dry for 12 to 24 hours so your batch doesn’t develop mold.
Note that rose oil discussed here is the herbal-infused oil and is different than rose essential oil. Making essential oils requires more sophisticated technology and loads of plant material. Herbal-infused oils are simple to make and are quite medicinal in nature. The aroma is generally much more gentle than that of an essential oil.
The best place to buy rose petals and all other ingredients for this recipe is here.
Directions for Making Rose Oil With the Cold Infusion Method
Work with intention, allowing space in your busy life to be present. It is fitting to say a short blessing or prayer that the final product is an effective healer.
Rosa centifolia and Rosa damascena are the most commonly available Roses and are well-suited for herbal skin care.
1) Fill a clean jar ¾ full with freshly dried or dry rose petals and buds. You can break up and bruise the petals gently.
2) Fill the jar to the top with carrier oil of choice. I use extra virgin olive oil most commonly, though sweet almond or coconut (melted) would work well.
3) Cap and shake to distribute the herb.
4) Label with the herb used, where it is from, the oil used, quantities of each, the date and the method of preparation.
5) Allow the jar to sit in a cool, dark place, shaking daily.
6) At 4 weeks/28 days/1 moon cycle, strain the oil into a clean bowl, squeezing the herb to get every drop. I find it helpful to use an old t-shirt or cheesecloth to catch the herb. Then lift the t-shirt with herb in it and squeeze that.
7) The strained liquid is your finished oil. Essential oil can be added or it can be left as is. It will have the sweet scent of roses, though it may be light. You could always make a double or triple infusion, where you would use the filtered herbal oil as the carrier oil for a fresh batch of rose petals.
Rose Oil can be used as any other herbal oil, for cosmetic, massage and medicinal purposes.