Your Most Pressing Skin Needs, Vaginal Steaming, + Magical Hair

natural skin care

I have taken a hiatus from new posts and have been expanding my knowledge in areas around body care, youthing (anti-aging) techniques, Tantra, and more. I’ve been really busy with getting a bodywork practice going and it is going well. The last year, I have worked with over 300 clients! I have still been publishing … Read more

My Favorite Natural Body Care Products

Here is a listing of my very favorite body care products, with links to great suppliers. All of the products listed, I either have or use regularly. Of course, with everything, you have to figure out what works best for you! I’ve been developing this list for years now. But, it is a great place to share some really powerful + potent skin care magic. If you scroll down, you will see the following sections with product listings: favorite skin care, hair care, essential oils,Continue Reading…

Best Natural Skin Care Shops

These shops are all natural, though I always recommend reading the ingredient list and asking questions when you have them. My criteria for choosing these shops is: They are all natural and list their ingredients. The companies utilize sustainable, ethical and enlightened business practices. Here are some favorite, natural places to buy skin, body, and hair care. JUST NATURAL ORGANIC CARE Just Natural is really great for a few reasons. Of course, they use fine oils, butters, and other natural ingredients. They also have completeContinue Reading…


OUR STORY My inspiration for creating this site comes from my personal experience with caring for my body using the gifts of our planet. By using ingredients from nature such as clays, oils, herbs, and minerals, I was deepening my relationship with the earth which we are always connected to. Additionally, skin care and beauty has always been a hobby and passion of mine and I love experimenting with new facials, new oils, and blending together what I’ve learned to figure out the plan thatContinue Reading…